Facebook du Sexe | Adult Social Network for Facebook Sluts

Online dating on Face book of Sex is essentially the means of selling yourselfî to others through written information and photographs.  It is a fairly simple concept, but like any well-run corporate brochure or website, every aspect of your  Facebook Sex profile has to be finely-tuned to maximize the number results received and to weed out the options that don't meet your criteria.  Many dating sites, as you will soon encounter, already have personality tests and questionnaires to aid you in your journey to find your perfect mate  some may be somewhat relevant but most are simply all for show on The Facebook of Sex we will hook you up with the right single for you.

Although a personality test may depict, crudely, how you are like in real life, many people do not answer honestly (even though they may believe they do so)!  If you are an ENTJ and she is an ENTL, this means nothing in the real world  trust me.
Real life interaction is the only sure-fire way to completely assess how well a pair is compatible. However, the process of fine-tuning your Face book of Sex profile is not as simple as you may think; think of automobile brochures and websites  every sentence, picture, idea, sequence of thought, and identity is well-thought out.  They are essentially optimizing their marketing strategy to achieve the greatest number of responses to their products.  This is a very simple concept that is directly applicable when you are dating on adult facebooksex online.  Your profile is your brochure  it is a symbol of who you are.


It is, essentially, you and a direct reflection of your style, your personality, your interests, how you speak, and the way you act.  It is the only thing between you and your potential dates online. Therefore, you can imagine how important it can be to set your profile apart from all the drabness that's out there!  An automobile company will not release a brochure with spelling errors, ugly pictures, wrong information, and lies (well, to a certain extent) and nor should you.  Have you ever been to an extremely popular website that has had poor design and spelling errors?  The list of examples goes on.
An even more real life analogy would be simple social interaction.  When you interact with people, whether it be members of the opposite sex or not, you are selling yourself.  Your body language, your verbal language, your opinions on politics, movies, and music, how you act, the decisions you make, etc., all convey qualities that others may deem either attractive or unattractive.  You are on a perpetual ad campaign to sell yourself to make as many quality friends and companions in order to survive.  Our ability to make friends and lovers is probably the most important advancement in human social biology; the ability to make quality friends will make up for many of your own personal downfalls.  Social skill is the frontier of our human mental evolution.  Without it, one would not reap the evolutionary ìtribalî effect, or worse, remain figuratively sterile their whole lives without any means to pro-create.


Dim 31 jui 2011 Aucun commentaire